It is important that we conduct ourselves in a professional manner during events and activities related to Why We March LGBT. We are not just representing our organization, but on many occasions are representatives of the LGBT2Q+ community. Our actions have impact.
Harassment, intimidation and bullying
Verbal harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated within the organization. A separate anti-harassment and anti-bullying policy and reporting policy governs violations of any type of harassment, intimidation or bullying. Reports are to be made to the Volunteer Director or the Chair of the Board.
Alcohol, cannabis and substance use
Legal substances such as alcohol and cannabis can be consumed in small, reasonable quantities within limits of location and appropriateness.
Intoxication past reasonable levels could result in being referred to a Code of Conduct Review Committee.
Illegal substances
Intoxication on illegal substances will not be tolerated and you will be immediately asked to leave an event or activity only to return after a decision from a Code of Conduct Review Committee.
Possession and use of illegal substance could also result in referral to the police.
Use of office space, equipment, Software & etc.
The use of office space, equipment, software, etc. are to be used for organizational purposes only.
Misuse, sharing or loaning of organizational property could result in the loss of privileges.
Guests and invitees
Our policies extend to guests and invitees you bring to events and activities.
Upon breach of this policy, the individual will be notified via email and a Code of Conduct Review Committee will be formed with no less of two board members including the Volunteer Director.
Actions such as written warnings, suspensions or up to and including removal from the organization may occur depending on the severity and number of infractions of the policy.
Reporting a code of conduct violation
Unless noted otherwise, all reports of a Code of Conduct Violation should be sent in detail to the Volunteer Director or Board Chair.